Somerset and Dorset Railway Ticket Portal

Fundraising & appeals - One Off Donations

Here you will have the opportunity to make a donation to current appeals or if you wish to our general funds.

The money is used to fund specific appeals or providing much needed help to buy the materials we need to maintain and extend the railway. Appeals will cover things like purchasing rolling stock, refurbishing buildings and major extensions to the railway that require significant investment.

If you'd like to make a donation then click on the button - normally the amounts are in mutiples of £10 so if you wish, for example, to give £20.00 simply increase the quantity by one by clicking on the + sign.

Every £ pound counts so please make a donation and help to advance the S&D.

Thank you.

Fundraising & appeals - One Off Donations

Here you will have the opportunity to make a donation to current appeals or if you wish to our general funds.

The money is used to fund specific appeals or providing much needed help to buy the materials we need to maintain and extend the railway. Appeals will cover things like purchasing rolling stock, refurbishing buildings and major extensions to the railway that require significant investment.

If you'd like to make a donation then click on the button - normally the amounts are in mutiples of £10 so if you wish, for example, to give £20.00 simply increase the quantity by one by clicking on the + sign.

Every £ pound counts so please make a donation and help to advance the S&D.

Thank you.